Tuesday 27 March 2012

4 Things To Keep In Mind When Teaching Your Child To Bike

When teaching your child to bike you need to keep certain things in mind. These factors can make a critical difference when it comes to teaching your child to bike.

Be Patient

Parents have the habit of getting frustrated with their child or themselves when their child struggles how to learn to ride a bicycle. You need to be patient. Some children are better at cycling than others. Some children have a natural balance while others don’t. Make sure that you treat the education process as a fun and challenging experience rather than something that is frustrating.

Find The Right Bike

It’s critical that you find the right kids bicycle for your child. There are three main options that you can purchase at the moment: a balance bike ( a bicycle without pedals), a tricycle (a bicycle with three wheels), or a training bike (also known as a stabiliser bike). More parents are opting to purchase a balance bike for their children as they are getting more results with them.

Safety First

You have to teach your child (no matter how young they are) the basic principles of cycling safety. You can do this through activities that can be found on the internet or through a quick lesson while you guys are using your bike. Just make sure that your child understands all the rules you have outlined for them. It is also more important to stress these safety and road rules if you will be using public main streets.


Make sure that your child has all of the necessary protection when teaching your child to bike. They should have a helmet, knee guards and elbow guards.

If you keep these four tips in mind teaching your child to bike will be a breeze!

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